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Easy way to make horror drone ambience

I started by using my phone to record drone sounds from the cooker hood or water pump or you can find any drone sound from fridge, freezer, or what ever around your space. After importing the sound from your recorder, I used pitch shift at -12 semitones to make a sound deeper.

After changing semitones, I started by using reverb and adjust as you want. However, I set chorus pre-delay and decay time to make a sound more horror.

After using reverb, It's time to make sound more horror by using doubler ether. Doubler Ether is a built-in modulation to sweep sound left and right. 

Last thing is EQ Three. I just cut High frequency a little bit because I don't need high frequency that much.

00:00 / 00:31

Sound Image

The sound contains road ambience, door open/close, bell, coffee maker, water and steam boiler, pickup coffee cup, and stir coffee. Some sound is not a real sound I use something else to make a sound. First, bell sound, I used a stainless teaspoon hit the ceramic cup. Then, I added EQ, Reverb, and Delay to get close to the bell sound. Coffee maker, I recorded an Air flyer machine to get the sound of the coffee maker. When you put the coffee beans in the machine and its starts crushing coffee beans. Water and Steam boiler, I used spray and recorded it. For some sounds, I used automation on the track volume to make a sound more real for example, when the door opens, you will hear the road ambience louder than the door close. (You will hear road ambience -> pickup coffee cup -> coffee maker -> door opens -> bell -> door close -> bell -> water and steam boiler -> cup -> stir coffee). I wanted to add people talking in the cafe sound, but I could not get the sound.

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